Hope Projects
<< www.hope-projects.org.uk >>
The Hope projects work to help destitute asylum-seekers and other new migrants barred from public funds in the West Midlands. Activities include:
- Hope Destitution Fund, makes fortnightly cash grants to destitute asylum seekers,
- Hope Housing, provides emergency accommodation for homeless asylum seekers,
- Ujamaa, providescounselling and casework support for asylum-seeker and refugee women,
- Hope Special Fund, makesone-off grants for purposes not covered by other Hope Funds,
- Women’s Group and Hope Gardeners, are therapeutic/recreational projects,
- Migrant Families Support Project (in partnership with ASIRT & Birmingham Community Law Centre).
The Hope Projects work closely with other partner-organisations providing referral and support.
Current developments include: employment of an immigration/asylum legal caseworker; working to develop “mixed use” accommodation for both rent-paying refugees and destitute asylum seekers.