City of Sanctuary UK has recognised the Birmingham Rep for its commitment to offering a place of safety for sanctuary seekers. At an event at the Rep on 21st July, Birmingham City of Sanctuary Chair David Brown presented the Award to the Artistic Director Sean Foley and Board Member Ayub Khan.
As well as offering practical support to Stories of Hope and Home (a project which gives refugees and those seeking sanctuary opportunities to share their stories), the Education Department works with some of the schools in our Schools of Sanctuary network. We look forward to following the Rep’s journey as a Theatre of Sanctuary!

The presentation was part of the opening event of the Rep’s Floella Benjamin Youth Hub. Some of those present were: David Brown, Chair of Birmingham City of Sanctuary; Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr Chaman Lal and his wife, Lady Mayoress Vidya Wati; Aster, Faith and Steph from Stories of Hope and Home.