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Highlights from MiFriendly Cities

We are pleased to share the following news stories from the partnership work of Birmingham City Council with the MiFriendly Cities initiative and Central Law England (as part of a MiFC project).

MiFriendly Cities is a West Midlands initiative funded by Urban Innovation Action (and part of the European Regeneration Development Fund) that aims to create migrant friendly cities. A partnership of 11 organisations including Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Coventry.

The project – now in its final year of delivery – has created the a Newsletter  for anyone keen to know more, supporters and participants. Understandably, they are keen to keep you up-to-date with their progress – and share their activities.

See the latest newsletter  which highlights some of the brilliant work participants have been doing – and showcases the really positive and inspiring stories coming out of our communities. So, please take a few minutes to take a look at this wonderful snapshot of the breadth and depth of programmes and support MiFriendly Cities provides – including the story of Khaled,  a resettled Syrian refugee, who came to the UK in 2017 – and has now received the accolade of Student of the Year!

MiFriendly Cities celebrating Black History Month HM  published Faye’s inspirational story here – read about how Faye overcame a variety of obstacles in her journey seeking sanctuary and her success on joining the MiFriendly Social Innovation programme,  establishing ‘Ona Creations’ – an initiative selling beautifully crafted leather work made into decorative shoes/ handbags. Faye also became a Local Health Champion.

Faye said:   “Birmingham is my home, people in Birmingham are wonderful”


Central England Law Centre & Birmingham City Council held a free Webinar- Pathways to Citizenship for Young People

The target audience was made up of school staff, social workers and people who work with migrant children in Birmingham.  The webinar commenced with a presentation introducing the City of Sanctuary movement, particularly the Birmingham CoS group, and their work with schools. The session continued with an informative and enlightening presentation from Balvinder Hayre, (CELC) which raised awareness of the issues for children without regular migration status, and how children can apply for citizenship. The Webinar was very well received and hopefully will be repeated in the future as a solution to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19.